The Neurodiversity Foundation has created magazines for kids and young adults. Grown-ups seem to like them just as much.

We use these magazines as gifts, for use in workshops by our facilitators, or in classrooms by teachers. The magazines support Brain Awareness Week and/or NC Week in March, but are also used all year round for educational projects. 

My Amazing Brain

For preschoolers and highschoolers, we have created the My Amazing Brain Magazine. Its a fun magazine, introducing ‘Brainy’ to the reader, and supporting different ways of thinking about inclusion and differences. Because we are all different, and for each leaner to see the value in that, creates a more harmonious classroom and a more inclusive future for all. The magazine has been used by teachers in 4 continents allready, and has been crafted with the loving inputs from Lana Jelenjev, Saskia Wenniger and Eleonora Spagnuolo.

The avatar of the magazine is called Brainy. Its most beloved version is ‘Superbrainy’. Brainy will have its own gamified app for classrooms, created by and connected to the research program of the foundation.


“Friends who are different, are the most interesting friends!” Brainy


My Amazing Brain Magazine, made by Lana, Eleonora and Saskia

Supporting Neuro Inclusive Classroom