Yes. We will gratefully accept your financial support.
1) use the donation form below
2) use a direct banktransfer 
3) Scan the qr code to donate
4) Donate with benevity
5) Donate via open collective
6) Donate Crypto or Euro via Giveth
7) Use the non-financial donations form 

Donation FormBank Transfer



Other options to donate:




You can also donate to the foundation, by sending your donation via a direct banktransfer.

Details: Name: “Stichting Neurodiversiteit“. Bankaccount NL41INGB0008401131, For international bank transfers is the Bic Code INGBNL2A.

If you have a wish to support a specific project or focus, like Pride day, Political lobby, Acceptance tools, Awareness Campaign, or just the team of the organization, please let us know in the description. If you have any questions, send us a message, and we’ll facilitate. 


Donation via QR Code


Another way to donate is to scan the qr code with your banking app: this works for most banks, but not all. If the QR code does not work: choose on the other options to donate. 



Donation QR Code Neurodiversity Foundation

Use the donation platform Giveth to gift crypto, euros or other currencies to our projects.

Use the crowdfunding platform Open Collective to donate to our projects, and receive perks for your contribution.

Non-Financial Donations

Send us a message if you want to gift us something that can’t be transfered via bank accounts, like materials, volunteership, free production capacity, or any other type of in-kind donation. 

15 + 11 =

Thank you!


Thank you for supporting our dream.

Thank you for support our plan.  

Thank you for supporting our implemention.