24 hours DJ Train by DJ Moonwyrm and the wyrmlings - ND Pride 2023 - secret rave for pride - June 16th

06 2023 - 24 Hours ND DJ Raid Train – Secret rave for ND Pride

An amazing 24 hours ND DJ Raidtrain event was organized by DJ Moonwyrm (and the Wyrmlings – supporting DJS) celebrating ND Pride 2023. In the tradition of “secret rave for pride”, We had 27 hours of music from mostly neurodivergent DJs from 4 continents, with dancers from many countries, all the way through.

The initative, was not in our initial plan: We are very grateful for DJ Moonwyrm (and friends) for creating the sound, the event and the warm atmosphere, allowing even the teammembers of the foundation to dance in the off-hours. The events was streamed by Twitch, streamed into the Pride Universe (our VR world, with new virtual dancemoves “to emote” to, made possible by Ozones Metaverse) and even from home, many were dancing along the tunes of these ND DJs! We liked this initiative so much, we are hoping this will happen much more often on ND Pride week!
