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  • 01
    Autvinder wedstrijd 2024 - beste autistische uitvinder van Nederland

    01 2024 - Autvinder Competition for Autistic inventors

    Autvinder is a brandnew competition to find the best autistic inventors and innovators, and honor them with an prize and title. In this project we also shine a light on the enormous potential autistic people have to discover, invent, renew and upgrade, supported by traits typically attributed to autistics like high perseverence, thinking differently and hyperfocus. The third longterm aim of the competition is to have more currently unemployed autistics recruited for paying jobs in areas where innovation or out-of-the-box thinking is crucial. The Neurodiversity Foundation and its partners (the association for autism and 2 educational institutions) organize this first edition for autistics living in the Netherlands, and the jury will decide on the winning entry around World Autism Day in April 2024 en on ND Pride 2024.

    In Netherlands
  • 11
    Award for neurodiversity foundation

    11 2023 - Neuroinclusivity Award

    The foundation was ‘awarded’ with a prize for neuroinclusivity. While we love getting awards, its no more than sprinkles on our cake, our focus will remain on the works that allow us to feel celebrated for getting these cakey accolades.

    In Europe
  • 11
    Neurodiversity Pride Day banner nl

    11 2023 - New Halftone Design for ND Pride 2024

    The new design for ND Pride 2024, created by Mozambican designer Paulaina, was crafted with support from the team. The Halftone dots in the design symbolically allure to the different ways we perceive the world as neurodivergents, seeing a different framing dependent on the different viewpoints you can view the image from. 

    In Mozambique
  • 11
    Neurodiversity Pride motie Tilburg

    11 2023 - Putting ND Pride on the political agenda

    There are so many steps happening for ND Pride, that we stopped being able to ‘control’ all that is happening. And we love those, supporting the tune of ND appreciation in their fields, like these political parties accepting Neurodiversity Pride Day in the city of Tilburg. 

    In Tilburg
  • 10
    NIP Award

    10 2023 - Thanking the NIP winners

    Every 2 year “The NIP” (neuroinclusive politician award) is given by a ND jury to the politician representing or advocating for neurodivergent needs in the political arena in the most impressive way. During local elections, we remind our neurodivergent friends about who won in recent editions and are still aiming to earn a seat at the big table.

    While the foundation is non-political and unbound by any political ideology, we are fans of every politician who personally step up to the plate, to have our unheard voices, heard. 

    In Den Haag
  • 10
    Neurodiversity Foundation Google Muffins

    10 2023 - The value of First Times at Diversity Week

    The foundation had a great Diversity week with many presentations for government, large businesses and employee groups. One of our favorite ones from this week was at Google, supported by their wonderful D&I team making us feel welcome with NDF branded muffins. The core of what moved us, was being reminded of the importance of “First Times” and the bravery of coming out as neurodivergent amongst your peers.

    In Netherlands
  • 10
    Strength-cards Neurodiversity Education Academy hindi

    10 2023 - Free resources by the Neurodiversity Education Academy

    The educational department of the foundation, the Neurodiversity Education Academy has been creating many new tools, and sharing them for free. One of the new tools are “card decks”, like ‘the brainstrength card deck’, but also card deck for ‘check-in questions for kids’ and ‘strengthbased questions’, ‘brain-strenght cards’, ‘growth-mindset cards’ and . Get them for free on the site of neurodiversityeducationacademy.org.

    Many decks are translated by native speakers who volunteer their time and energy, if you want to help out by translating cards in your own language (we want your help), contact hello@neurodiversityeducationacademy.org to offer your support.

    Multiple language areas
  • 10
    Neurodiversity Foundation - Hopeland

    10 2023 - Beyond Distractions

    Our ambassador Diantha joined many other european youths in the “Pause” EU project in Hopeland, Greece, to learn and explore more about life beyond tech&internet-related distractions. 

    In Greece
  • 09
    Lets Talk, with Karim & Tjerk

    09 2023 - Let’s Talk Sessions

    Diversity is so much larger than neurodiversity alone, therefore 2 pioneers, Tjerk (NDF) and Karim (self-employed) are joining hands in “Lets Talk”. They are open to invitations to speak as a duo, at any type of D&I event, session or workshop, and share from their own perspective in diversity: physical disability and neurodivergence. 

    In NL
  • 09
    Neurodiversity Foundation social media channels

    09 2023 - Round Numbers

    We have been plotting our social media numbers and are breaking new records and ‘round numbers’. Our aim is to reach 50k followers by the end of the year 2023.

    Social Media
  • 08
    Neurodiversity Foundational family - Summer Shindig 2024

    08 2023 - Summer Shindig with foundational family

    During August many of the volunteers and teammembers of the foundational family came together at this years “Summer Shindig” for a fun informal event.

    In Almere
  • 08
    Whats strong with you campaign - Neurodiversity Foundation

    08 2023 - Pride Slogan goes global

    Our organization aims to serve the world and all neurodivergents in it, and sometimes our projects or slogans ‘go global’, just like with the Neurodiversity Pride slogan: “What’s STRONG With You?”, which has been picked up by so many other good organizations, we know the slogan has been seen by millions. In this project for example, by our friends at the ADHD foundation (UK) working together with Clear Channel, an information campaign about neurodiversity was shared utilizing our rallying call. We love that!

    In UK
  • 07
    Community Gatherings Neurodiversity Education Academy

    07 2023 - Community Gatherings

    The Neurodiversity Education Academy started hosting Community Gatherings for late-diagnosed neurodivergents, to talk about important topics and questions we have. Attendance is free. And the project is lovingly supported by the sponsored software of Hyhyves. 

  • 06
    Neurodiversity Pride Flag

    06 2023 - Neurodiversity Pride Flag Ritual

    The last ND Pride flag, was hoisted by the government of Noord-Holland in Haarlem. The ritual for the ND Pride Flag hoisting has two stages:

    • While hoisting the flag: Think of all neurodivergent people around the world, in solidarity with all our struggles.
    • While the flag is hoisted: Think about how neurodiversity makes this world a more beautiful place for all.

  • 06
    Neurodiversity Pride Day Flag

    06 2023 - First Neurodiversity Flags Hoisted!

    In 2023, we hoisted the first Neurodiversity Pride flags, in New York, UK and many places in the Netherlands. The very first to ever to be hoisted was in the municipality of Leiden, a city that is very active with neurodiversity-friendly approaches. The flag was hoisted by Abdelhaq Jermoumi (alderman) and Roel Paas (Neurodiversity network Leiden) in the midst of supporters.

    Neurodiversity Pride Day Flag - ND Pride Neurodiversity Pride Flag - ND Pride

    Leiden and elsewhere
  • 06
    24 hours DJ Train by DJ Moonwyrm and the wyrmlings - ND Pride 2023 - secret rave for pride - June 16th

    06 2023 - 24 Hours ND DJ Raid Train – Secret rave for ND Pride

    An amazing 24 hours ND DJ Raidtrain event was organized by DJ Moonwyrm (and the Wyrmlings – supporting DJS) celebrating ND Pride 2023. In the tradition of “secret rave for pride”, We had 27 hours of music from mostly neurodivergent DJs from 4 continents, with dancers from many countries, all the way through.

    The initative, was not in our initial plan: We are very grateful for DJ Moonwyrm (and friends) for creating the sound, the event and the warm atmosphere, allowing even the teammembers of the foundation to dance in the off-hours. The events was streamed by Twitch, streamed into the Pride Universe (our VR world, with new virtual dancemoves “to emote” to, made possible by Ozones Metaverse) and even from home, many were dancing along the tunes of these ND DJs! We liked this initiative so much, we are hoping this will happen much more often on ND Pride week!

    Twitch & Pride Universe

     - NIP Award

    The winner of the bi-annual Neuroinclusive Politician award (the “NIP”) of the Netherlands has been announced. A neurodivergent jury has selected member of parliament Don Ceder from the ChristenUnie party, nicknamed “the political champion for uniqueness”, as the politician giving neurodivergent people the most hope for a neurodiverse-friendly future, and thereby winning the award.

  • 06
    Neurodiversity in business nl launch at EY

    06 2023 - Launch Neurodiversity In Business NL Chapter

    The launching event of NiB-NL was organized for 70 participants from different organizations with support from our host EY and multiple speakers and a panel. It’s the start of the dutch chapter founded by Tjerk, Lana, Stephanie and Georgia as a local arm of the international Neurodiversity In Business organization, a collaboration with our friends in the UK.  

    In Amsterdam
  • 06
    ND Groundwork - Neurodiversity Foundation

    06 2023 - ND Groundwork

    ND Groundwork is a virtual community event brought to you by Bridges Family Life Center in partnership with Neurodiversity Education Academy and Umbrella Alliance US. It’s speadheaded by Janelle Johnson (founder of Bridges Family Life Center) and Saskia Wenniger (Co-founder Neurodiversity Education Academy)

  • 05
    Neurodiversity Pride Insta Campagne

    05 2023 - Whats Strong With You Instagram Campaign

    In May the “Whats strong with you campaign” started on Instagram, showcasing self-appreciation for neurodivergent people, lead by a new volunteer “Instaqueen Eva”. 

  • 05
    In Turkey 2023
    Neurodiversity Pride Day Flag - Design

    05 2023 - Neurodiversity Pride Flag

    To support the new ND Pride activity “Hoisting the ND Pride Flag”, we improved the design for the flags, and delivered the first ones to NL, UK and USA. The flag consists of the logo of ND Pride Day, “the kite flying without rope trailed by a ribbon of infinity sybols”, referencing the aim for neurodivergent to thrive beyond normalisation, on a gradient of Purple to Sky Blue. The color Sky blue is representing the sky the kite is soaring in, and the color purple is traditionally associated with the keywords ‘unique, special & sacred’. 

  • 05
    Sensory Hubs Research _ Neurodiversity Foundation

    05 2023 - Sensory Hubs Research

    The 399 page research about how to create sensory hubs for neurodivergent people in educational institutions, by research intern Estelle, was awarded with a 9! 

    In NL
  • 04
    Neurodiversity Foundation - deutsche bank book

    04 2023 - Whats Strong With You Book in the “Oval Office”

    During presentations, like the workshop for the Deutsche Bank, the foundation got to gift the newly printed book “Whats Strong With You” to professionals supporting neurodiversity in their workplaces.

    In Amsterdam
  • 03
    In Nederland & UK 2023
    What's Strong With You Book

    03 2023 - Brain Awareness Publication

    To celebrate Brain Awareness Week, the neurodiversity Education Academy launched their workbook for trainers with 20 excersizes. The digital copies can be bought at the NEA website, and support the funding of our educational projects.

  • 03
    In Den Haag 2023
    Neuroinclusieve politicus award 2023 english version nominees total

    03 2023 - Political Endorsements

    In March, with the new dutch elections, the Neurodiversity Foundation endorsed the political parties that brought forth a winner or a current nominee for the Neuro Inclusive Politician Award 2023. These political parties were: VVD, D66, CDA, GroenLinks, Bij1, ChristenUnie and SP.

  • 03
    Neurodiversity Foundation - director Tjerk Feitsma and Prince Friso

    03 2023 - Shaking hand with royalty & diverse leaders

    At the Diverse Leaders in Tech conference, the founding members of Neurodiversity In Business Netherlands presented on stage, in workshops and shook hands with Friso, the Royal Prince of Orange. 

    In Amsterdam
  • 02
    In Den Haag 2023
    Scorekaart Neurodiversiteit Neurodiversity Foundation

    02/2023 - Neurodiversity Score Card for political parties

    To show neurodivergents which political party is supporting neurodivergents and who may be considered to vote for in upcoming elections, the Neurodiversity Foundation published the Neurodiversity Score Card for Political Parties (dutch language only). The voters could see on 7 topics, how the most relevant parties of the parliament rated on those aspects.

  • 01
    In Utrecht 23

    01 23 - NIP Award Research

    The Neuro-Inclusive Politician Award is a bi-annual award for the politicians in the political arena giving hope to neurodivergents for a ND friendly society. The judges are supported by a multidisciplinary team of 10 researchers from different fields, evaluating all relevant political parties. Their rapport is the start of the judging process, and their conclusions are distilled in the “Neurodiversity Scorecard for political parties”.

  • 12
    Online 2022
    Social Media Followers Neurodiversity Foundation eind 2022

    12 2022 - Social Media Rising

    The channels from the Neurodiversity Foudation and the Neurodiversity Education Academy, gained 13.000 followers, a rise of 10.000 followers since we started counting 600 days ago.

  • 12
    In Almere 2022
    Neurodiversity Foundational Family - annual supper 2022

    12 2022 - NeuroEmerScent

    The annual supper is an event for the teammembers of the Neurodiversity Foundation. At the 2022 edition the new scent of the foundation was launched: NeuroEmerScent. Created by the NeuroEmergence team, as a gift of a breath of new fresh air for those supporting our mission.

  • 11
    In Den Haag 2022

    11 2022 - NIP: First Pro-ND Unanimous Political Motion

    The party of the winner of the NIP award introduced a motion to the political chambers of the “Tweede Kamer”, and the motion by “Bij1” was universally accepted by all other political parties: the first in dutch history to make this mark! After previous winner Lisa Westerveld introduced the first motion identifying Neurodivergents as a group in 2021, now Sylvana Simons introduced the first unanimously accepted political motion in 2022. The political motion calls for facilitating and promoting towards study advisers to have proper knowledge about neurodivergencies like Autism, HSP and Dyslexia. History is again made by the winner of the Neuro Inclusive Politician Award!

  • 11
    Online 2022
    Neurodiversity Pride Day - old banner

    11 2022 - New Websites

    To create a better digital presence, the foundation is reworking the websites of the organisation, of the neurodiversity pride day website, the Neurodiversity in Business Page,  and of the Stride website. They will all  be launched in 2023!

  • 10
    In Amsterdam 2022
    Together - Meetup for Neurodivergents - Iets Samen Doen?

    10 2022 - Together Randomizer

    The “Together Team” working on the social meetup project for Neurodivergents, created a new function on their web-app: the randomizer, which allows to show users examples of the activity menu’s they can send to people they like to meetup with. Fun!

  • 10
    In Noordwijk 2022
    Team Neuroemergence - Neurodiversity Education Academy

    10 2022 - NeuroEmergence Team Weekend

    To make a plan for 2023, the members of the NeuroEmergence team came together, to discuss all the plan for 2023: Approximately 20 online events, a 3 day online summit, and a new discord channel for the community of late diagnosed neurodivergents. The focus of the team will be to create a community of belonging using education and information as a guiding light.

  • 09
    Online 2022
    autism on the inside neurodiversity pride day

    09 2022 - Social Space of Autism from the Inside Conference

    The Neurodiversity Foundation, gifted their social gathering space to Paul Micaleffs team, running the Autism from the Inside weeklong conference. During the week, participants could meetup in the social space, have conversations and meet each other under the supervision of the wonderful Autism from the inside staff members. Follow up meeting in that month, were also hosted in the social space.

  • 09
    In Amsterdam 2022

    09 2022 - Neurodiversity In Business Netherlands

    In the Netherlands, the founding members of which the Neurodiversity Foundation is part, joined forces to start up the NIBNL association in the Netherlands, for organisations with a positive outlook on neuroinclusivity in the workplace. Launch: Spring 2023!

  • 08
    In Utrecht 2022
    Neurodiversity Pride Stride

    08 2022 - Stride Shirts

    The first prototypes of the Stride Shirt, for use during Stride 2023, have been created and delivered for testing purposes.

  • 06
    Online, Virtual Reality, Offine, Local events & Individual 2022

    06 2022 - Neurodiversity Pride Day

    Celebrated for the last time on June 18th, the 5th edition and biggest ever Neurodiversity Pride Day was held, for all neurodivergents wanting to celebrate neurodiversity!

  • 05
    In Rotterdam 2022

    05 2022 - Stride App

    In order to create the worlds first record attempt as neurodivergent kind, the Stride App was build, by cooperation of the Harborn Team and the Pride Stride team. The first build was released in May, the first tests of the app will be held during 2022, and in 2023, we aim to offer the app globally to all neurodivergents for the 6th edition of Neurodiversity Pride Day.

  • 04
    In Rotterdam 2022

    04 2022 - Karol joins the Foundation

    Karol Henke, the former NVA chief, joins the Neurodiversity Foundation as a boardmember officially. He will have a focus on sportsactivities including the new Stride program, on the political agenda, network connections and overall support. Very very welcome in our team!

  • 03
    In Almere 2022

    03 2022 - Brain Awareness Week / Neurodiversity Celebration Week

    The Neurodiversity Education Academy team, lead by Lana & Saskia, forged a new magazine, with the support of 4 creatives. It’s called ‘My Creative Brain’, and the first limited English edition, crafted with so much love and attention to details, was launched. The magazine will be gifted, but can also be bought for a donation to the NE Academy.

  • 02
    Online 2022

    02 2022 - Foundational Anniversary

    On Februari 15th we had our 4th foundational anniversary of the foundation, and due to Covid running rampant, we kept it small and send virtual Cake & Love, to friends and sympathisers.

  • 2
    In Rotterdam 2022

    2 2022 - Neurodivergent Politics

    The Neurodiversity Foundation has started to assemble and pitch the 5 items on our ‘Neurodivergent Political Agenda’. Its focussed on dutch politics for now, and has been presented in Februari to the youth department of D66, a currently governing political party.

  • 01
    In Nederland 2022

    01 2022 - Ambition Reloaded

    With new energy and zest, board meetings are held while operating powertools, the NE Academy team starts forging a new Brainy Mag and talks with new teammembers are initiated. 2022, is going to be a great year for All Neurodivergent Kind, and we are HERE FOR IT!

  • 12
    In Nederland 2021

    12 2021 - Closing the Year

    We delayed our Annual Supper event, and looked back to the year, knowing, that with the support of so many volunteers and otherwise awesome individuals, we’d done more than we though imaginable in our first year.

    And knowing, that what we have planned for this world…. is even so much more. Onward to 2022!

  • 11
    In USA 2021

    11 2021 - Supporting Harvard Medical School Coaches

    Lana, the Chair of the foundation, presents for 300 participants the talk: From Disorders to Divergence: Why understanding neurodiversity is important for coaches,  to the Harvard Medical School Affiliated Institute of Coaching

  • 10
    In Amstelveen 2021

    10 2021 - Closing the Amstelveen Office

    Due to construction work, the temporary office of the Neurodiversity Foundation in Amstelveen,  is taken down. We will miss our quaint triangle shaped office, and look forward to a time where the pandemic won’t restrain us in working together in the same rooms, once more.

  • 09
    In the Play Store 2021

    09 2021 - Brainy App in Dutch Language

    The Brainy App, downloaded more than a thousand users, is translated and now also available in the dutch language. This project was undertaken by Boris and by son Milos, the youngest dev in our foundational family.

  • 08
    In USA 2021

    08 2021 - Partnering with USA

    In summer we met, and started the preparation and cooperation process with two wonderful USA based organizations. The first one is the Neurodiversity Foundation USA, lead by Shawn Fry, and though our organizational origin stories are not connected, our love driving a wish for a more inclusive world, is. Also we started supporting Akiva systems, lead by Alexander Landa & Julia Kalinina, aiming to build a ‘safe place’ to allow neurodivergents to hone their abilities using VR as a way to explore and play.

  • 07
    In University of Amsterdam 2021

    07 2021 - Cum Laude Level

    The foundation creates internships and research quests for the brightest minds and for the most motivated candidates, and during the first 6 months of 2021, Maya Zaidan from Palestine has been joining the research efforts into sign language. In Juli she graduated in the research with the highest possible grades.

  • 06
    In Nederland 2021

    06 2021 - Mikel Rijsdijk Grant

    In June 2021 the Mikel Rijsdijk Grant was initiated by Saskia Wenniger, and was supported with contributions from the Neurodiversity Education Academy. It provides a grant for education and coaching about neurodiversity.

  • 06
    In Ozone 2021

    06 2021 - Pride Universe of the Neurodiverse – Live!

    To celebrate Neurodiversity Pride Day, a enormeous undertaking was realized by crafting a expansive virtual reality world, that hosts most of the activities on June 18th. Every hour, from 0800 till 23.59, there have been activities, like Judy Singer, delivering the ‘Neurodiversiteitsrede’ Keynote of the year. The world is called the ‘Pride Universe of the Neurodiverse’ and it still open for visitors at neurodiversityprideday.com. The main techsponsor of this grand project was Jay Ess from Ozone Universe.

  • 06

    06 2021 - Neurodiversity Pride Day 2021

    The largest ever edition of Neurodiversity Pride Day was held on June 18th 2021, with an 16 hourlong program, a virtual universe, political history made, an award, workshops, streams, talks, clubhouse conversations,, art installations, showcase of neurodivergent talent and so much more. The day was celebrated in the Netherlands, UK, USA, Indonesia, Australia and the Phillippines.

    While the 2020 edition was the largest Pride online event worldwide at that moment in time, the 2021 edition is the largest Pride Virtual reality event ever organized.

  • 6
    In Den Haag 2021

    6 2021 - Political History

    On June 17th, after a talk with the foundation, Dutch politicians Lisa Westerveld & Peter Kwint made political history in the Netherlands, with Motion 35830-VIlII-18. In this motion, neurodivergents were named as a group for the very first time ever, and neutrally adressed by stating that the individuals in this group may have, or may not have, a disability. Its a historic and positive step for neurodivergent acceptance!

  • 06
    In Den Haag 2021

    06 2021 - Sylvana Simons Wins Neuro Inclusive Politican Award

    Sylvana Simons, founder of the BIJ1 political party, has won and received the Neuro Inclusive Politician Award in the Hague in the Parliamentary building of the Tweede Kamer. The judges and the foundation are delighted to see her win, and are confident she will do a lot of wonderful and needed actions for the neurodivergent community as ‘Tweede kamerlid’. Go Sylvana!

  • 06
    In Schiphol Airport & Amsterdam 2021

    06 2021 - Billboards for Neurodiversity Pride Day

    In the Schiphol Airport area, and in the Amsterdam downtown area, billboards are showing invitations to the Neurodiversity Pride Day Celebration. The images are both  in Dutch and in English language.

  • 06
    In Amsterdam 2021

    06 2021 - Secret Rave for Pride

    Dutch DJ Nozem recording a special set of his own tracks, for people to dance to in the Party Room on the Pride Universe of the Neurodiverse.  Also DJ Krishan performed a wonderful set, making their timeslots on pride day, the largest virtual pride rave ever organized.

  • 05
    In Kortenhoef 2021

    05 2021 - New ambassador

    The foundation is delighted to share that Suzanne Agterberg joined our foundational family as an ambassador. She has been an expert and founder of many useful initiatives, like the ‘autism-passport-project’ and is very welcome in our midst to support the cause of Neurodiversity at large.

  • 04
    In Amsterdam 2021

    04 2021 - Recording sessions of the Neurodiversity Pride Anthem

    For Neurodiversity Pride Day, a new music group was assembled to create the Pride Anthem. The band called Studiognomes have been making an old song into a new one, that will be heard on Pride Day each year. The song is based on ‘Own Kind of Music’ by Mama Cass.

  • 03
    In Amsterdam 2021

    03 2021 - Brain Awareness Week 2021

    To celebrate the Brain Awareness Week of 2021, the educational team of the foundation organized webinars and workshops, like “Get Focused, Plan and Stay Calm. Strategies to Stay on Top of Your Studies“. And also, to celebrate the week, we released a downloadable copy of our magazine My Amazing Brain, in order to create easy access to the material for our international friends and partners.

  • 03
    Online 2021

    03 2021 - Neurodiversity Education Academy

    The Neurodiversity Education Academy has shaped up, and flexes her muscles, with a community app, a content app, a new website, and lots of enthusiasm. The new  site of NE Academy, can be found at neurodiversityeducationacademy.org

  • 02
    In Nederland 2021

    02 2021 - Stemadvies – Elections

    To make sure that the Dutch Parliament has neurodiverse friendly politicians, the foundation and NIP award jury, campaigned to 20.000 dutch Neurodivergents & Allies, with our own ‘StemAdvies Campaign’ for the votes needed for 6 endorsed politician to each take a seat in parliament. All endorsed politicians made it to power.

  • 01
    In Nederland 2021
    NIP AWARD - Sylvana Simons - Bij1

    01 2021 - Stemadvies – Start of Campaign

    In a time of great division in our nation, the Stemadvies campaign, aimed to show people that neurodiverse friendly politicians do exist, and that they come from many different political teams. It also aimed to get the 6 best of them, the ones nominated for the Neuroinclusieve Politician Award, voted into office in the upcoming elections.

  • 12
    Online 2020

    12 2020 - Annual Supper 2020

    As is tradition, we gathered at the end of the year with 13 of our members. Due to Corona, we met online to celebrate the achievements of the year.

  • 12
    In Nederland 2020

    12 2020 - Locked down but safe

    In the second lockdown of the year, we decided to make masks to keep our volunteers and friends, a little bit safer with a stylish mouthcap.

  • 11
    In Amsterdam 2020

    11 2020 - Gaming for neuro-inclusion

    A new project to create a game that fosters awareness, acceptance and inclusion was spearheaded my young autistic artics Marije, with the support of  mentor Stijn Schenk and the foundations input. The project will be a game of quartet (Go Fish) of the neurodiverse traits that benefit society. To be launched for Pride Day 2021!

  • 10
    In Amstelveen 2020

    10 2020 - Amstelveen says Yes to Pride 2021

    On behalf of the city, Alderman van Ballegooijen, says ‘YES’ to neurodiversity pride 2021  activities in Amstelveen, and shares an important song with thie new generation of equal&inclusive activists.

  • 09
    In Amstelveen 2020

    09 2020 - Together Android app getting ready

    In fall we celebrated the achievements of the Together team with Tjerk, Wybe and Kees.  One of them being the production of the android app, that includes the ability for open and closed groups as well as the ability to add non-group members. Also we are making steps on the members-platform. Good work!

  • 08
    In Zeewolde 2020

    08 2020 - Together Beta testing

    To test our latest build of Together App, spearheaded by Kees, we organized a workshop in a weeklong youth festival and test the app with about 50 youngsters, eager to ‘get to know other’. Our second ‘live’ test, got so much usefull and practical feedback, we immediately went back to work to improve the system. Getting ready for a Valentines Day launch!

  • 07
    In Amsterdam 2020

    07 2020 - Evaluating Pride

    After Pride Day itself, we evaluate each element, to see where we can improve and grow next year. This edition, we invited Roos van Moesbergen as well, who lead the ‘Divergent Interviews’ series, released on June 18 2020.

  • 06
    In Nederland 2020

    06 2020 - Neurodiversity Pride Day resultaten

    After the 3rd dutch edition of the Neurodiversity Pride Day, we tabulated a rise of 400% in comparison to last year, all the growth coming from the virtual events and the easier way for persons to join in. Also the partnering with other organizations, lead to a sizable uptick in participants.

  • 06
    Online 2020

    06 2020 - Neurodiversity Education Academy starts

    The Neurodiversity Education Academy is a place where you can take free courses from selected and/or requested experts, that support you in your understanding of neurodiversity, in the classroom, workplace or family situation. In the future, the academy will also host paid trainings and courses.

  • 06
    In Nederland 2020

    06 2020 - Neurodiversity Pride Day 2020

    After months of preparation, the day of neurodivergent pride is happening: Neurodiversity Pride Day! With more activities, more speakers, more participants, more reach, more partners, everything ‘more’, even in Corona times. With about 1500 participants joining one or more activities (mostly online), we are superhappy to be able to celebrate our pride, with so many more amongst us than last year.  Let’s triple that, next year!

  • 06
    Online 2020

    06 2020 - First podcast

    In a first time for us to join a podcast, Diantha of the Neurodiversity Foundation rocked it, and shared a lot of information. You can still listen to the podcast on Spotify, in dutch language.

  • 06
    Online 2020

    06 2020 - Social Media following

    Our facebook page got its 500th follower!

  • 05
    In Amstelveen 2020

    05 2020 - First secured Family intranet

    The technical project, leading to Family Signs App, had gotten a big boost when the first message was send with ‘true privacy’. According to GunDB, the Athens Initiative was the very first, worldwide, to make this new approach happen. And yes, we have been sharing that….

    The moment of the first message, sent and received.

    Leading the innovation, was Omotola Bolarin.

  • 04
    Online 2020

    04 2020 - New ‘Office’: Zoom calls

    Due to the Corona Virus, we cancelled our physical locations in the Netherlands. However, we keep in contact via zoom! Boardmeetings, Developermeetings, Pridemeetings, Zoom it up!

  • 04
    Wereldwijd 2020

    04 2020 - World Autism Awareness Day

    Due to Corona, many of the activities of Autism Awareness Day were altered or made virtual. As a foundation, we send out positive messages to other organizers. In times like these: we should stand strong together; With 1,5 meter social distancing applied!

  • 03
    In Nederland 2020

    03 2020 - Support rewriting book

    ‘Gezond van Kop tot Teen’, is a informational book written bij 4 Dutch experts, amongst which, the infamous ‘Poepdokter’. 11 specialists supported them in writing or rewriting the book, one of the specialist asked was member of the Neurodiversity Foundation.

    To ask for help, as a neurotypical expert, is a great thing, and therefore helping out is something the foundation does, for writers vulnerable enough to accept our honest and clear remarks about the nature, tone of voice, and accuracy of the writing.  To serve the readers better, we helped rewrite the parts about autism and ad(h)d.




  • 03
    Online 2020

    03 2020 - Brain Awareness Week 2020

    Due to the start of the pandemic, all organized activities for Brain Awareness Week was quickly converted into virtual activities, like Zoom workshops for teachers wanting to get more knowledge on becoming a teacher that fosters a neurodiverse-friendly classroom.

    The workshops and preparation was done by Lana Jelenjev and Saskia Wenniger, and given to an international audience.

  • 02
    In Rotterdam & Amstelveen 2020

    02 2020 - Quarantine Time!

    Due to the upcoming pandemic, we decided to ‘do the responsible thing’ and close down the physical locations of our Rotterdam office and Amstelveen office in the winterspring of 2020, and hence, move our cooperation to online settings. We hope to return to an office space, when its safe for our members and volunteers to do so.

  • 02
    In Amsterdam 2020

    02 2020 - Meeting MindAffect

    In a supportive session with MindAffect, an assistive tech company we have been following for years that has a mission we support, we tested their assistive tech and talked about the implications for epilectics, persons with Celebrale Parese & ALS, new user groups and the use of the innovation at large. MindAffect creates a flickerbased screenselection tool, coupled with a hardware headband that tracks the brains reaction to light changes in defined selectable regions on the screen. The great Aleksandr & Dennis of the Divergents Team were present and actively contributing their insights, and Robert will have a lot to bring home to his team at MindAffect.

  • 02
    In Amstelveen 2020

    02 2020 - 2nd Birthday

    A Virtual Slice of love pie for everyone! Today is the second birthday of the Athens Initiative, and though Wybe & Tjerk ate the first parts in Amstelveen, we share a virtual love pie slice in gratitude to all our teammates, researchers, partners, and every person who supports and has worked with us to celebrate our second year on mission.

  • 02
    Online 2020

    02 2020 - Newsletter support for Pride

    In the newsletter of our friends of Impuls & Woortblind, the organization supporting Dyslectic & Adhd neurotypes, the Neurodiversity Pride day and the foundation are mentioned. Read the full newsletter here:


  • 02
    In Nijkerk 2020

    02 2020 - Pride Friends at NLs main ADHD/Dyslexia organisation Impuls/Woortblind

    Invited by our friends at Impuls/Woortblind, Renee & Tjerk pitcht the Neurodiversity Pride Day, and invited the region managers to join us in celebration on June 18 with local activities in their “adhd-cafe” and “dyslexia-cafe”. With many creative ideas for what these activities can be, we are looking forward with great anticipation for the day

  • 02
    In Amsterdam 2020

    02 2020 - Heroes in Amsterdam

    On this day, in our meeting with Tjerk & Lana present, Saskia Wenniger finally shook the hands of the Health Heroes in our meeting at the Da Vinci Creative spaces. But, just as important, without any shaking of hands, she also met Henk the bot.

  • 2
    In Amsterdam 2020

    2 2020 - An offer we didn’t want to refuse

    The Athens Initiative is saying yes to working together with Melvin & his company NAHV in doing the accounting for us, including our taxes, and offering to be a voluntary financial advisor to help us out moving forward with financial advice. He’s is a great man, intrinsically motivated, located in the Amsterdam region, and made us an offer we didn’t want to refuse 🙂

  • 01
    In Utrecht 2020

    01 2020 - Supportsessions

    In January, we were invited to discuss options about implementing assistive Tech in healthcare, and got great advices from the partners of the Sustainable Healthcare Challenge about where to start.

  • 01
    In Amstelveen 2020

    01 2020 - Youngest Dev joins the Work

    Tjerk & Boris making the plan for phase 2 of Brainy! In our back, is the outline of the Kroon office and in the future there will be work for the youngest contributor of the family: Miloš!


  • 01
    In Nijmegen 2020
    Design Your Life kick-off - with Maurice and Thijs

    01 2020 - Design Your Life Kick off

    On the 7th of January 2020, the Design Your Life project started it’s 4 year research project. During the kickoff we met Jelle (our favorite professor and leader of the program), Maurice (project chief), Thijs (key researcher) and many organizations that work in our general field. Lots of great people and groups! We will be meeting at least 16 times in the upcoming years, and they are to test parts of our Signs technology as well.

    Partners of Design Your Life - 2Tango is partner in the program

    Partners of Design Your Life – 2Tango is partner in the program

  • 07
    In Brabant 2020

    07 2020 - Family Signs promo #2

    Family Signs got its 2nd promotional video, this one made by young and talented autistic Merlijn. The concept of this video was the same as the core message of the technological project, which is, ‘Everybody deserves to be understood’.

  • 01
    In Amstelveen 2020
    Neurodiversity Foundation at new years reception with mayor Tjapko

    01 2020 - New Mayor, first office in Amstelveen

    Our first activity of the year, was to present ourselves to the new mayor of Amstelveen, Tjapko Poppema, by shaking his hand on their new year’s celebration. During his speech he said (loosely translated): ‘the unheard are not always listened to, and I think we should improve on that‘. Yes (!) to that message! The Neurodiversity Foundation is opening up its first office in Amstelveen in January of 2020!

  • 12
    In Amsterdam 2019
    Annual Supper - brainy presentation

    12 2019 - Brainy MVP first tests

    Omotola showing the functionality of the Brainy MVP to the members of the foundation in December 2019

  • 12
    In Amsterdam 2019
    Team of 2019 of the Neurodiversity Foundation and 2Tango

    12 2019 - Annual Supper with the Team

    Once a year, the foundation (&2Tango) have a social dinner, the Annual Supper, for the team, somewhere in the Netherlands. This year we celebrated in Amsterdam.

    It also was a day of thanks to everyone (also the ones not in the picture) supporting us to make this world a more neuro-inclusive place from love, connection and appreciation for the value of true diversity

  • 12
    In Eindhoven 2019
    Roundtable with Nico Baken and coach Edgar

    12 2019 - Technological Roundtable

    Roundtable in Eindhoven with Edgar of Cor Wit Fonds and professor Nico Baken. Talking about whole-systems approach, subcircles of influence, holisme in tech, and the idea that resilience in a system is increased by adding diversity, and the idea that a improved flow between it’s individual parts makes a network amount to more than just the sum of it’s parts. Wildly inspirational meeting, with a reading list of 6 items to swim into afterwards.

  • 12
    In Rotterdam 2019
    Brainy Live for the first time! 4

    12 2019 - Brainy first prototype live!

    Brainy MVP Apps core functionality of registering brainy states is tested and……working! It contains the work of many Athenians, like Elise, Georgia, Niels, Dominic, Omotola, Lana and Tjerk, and will serve the ‘neuroinclusive schools project’ (aka Brainy Project). In the future Boris will be projectmanager for the Brainy project and its coupling with the My Amazing Brain Magazine!


    Brainy Live for the first time!

    Brainy Live for the first time!

    Brainy Live for the first time! 3

    Brainy Live for the first time! 3

  • 12
    In Nederland 2019
    The heart with differences in mind

    12 2019 - Core Values: love, diversity & connection

    As our extended foundational family reaches a total of 30 contributors, researchers and volunteers working on each of the 5 projects, we keep reminding ourselves what the core values are of our organization.

    Its love. Its connection. Its diversity.

    And we keep reminding ourselves of our calling, for as we say: The problem is not solved, by doing nothing.

  • 11
    in Rotterdam 2019
    Niels at work

    11 2019 - Signs Remote prototype ready

    Our technical team forged the pototype of the Signs Remote in Oktober 2019, and on the featuring image, enables the data for the ‘very first time’.

  • 11
    In Utrecht 2019
    Ontmoeting met Ritme founder of NVA conferentie

    11 2019 - Progress has many rythm

    At NVA congres, we met the founder of Ritme (An autism task reminder app), which was part of the next generation winners of the Sustainable Healthcare Challenge after 2Tango won in the year before. 2Tango actually invested a small bit of our own price into his project, to ‘invest the love forward’. 18 months later, he build the app, upgraded the visuals, and is presenting himself capably. So proud!

  • 11
    In Eindhoven 2019
    Keynote and workshop on Signs Remote in Eindhoven

    11 2019 - Signs Remote prototype tested

    21 November 2019 is the day that 100 students & professionals tried out our prototype of the Signs Remote, in a live setting, with real data. The second time Mini is shown to the external world, and ‘she’ learned much more of gestural language since her first outting in June 18.

    These 100 participants were briefed in 3 workshop group rounds, after a keynote from Tjerk. Creating basic gestural messages on their phones, based on sentencings drawn from the ‘communicative need ‘research of Renske & Charlotte. It’s has been a high-anxiety race against time type of delivery, with the technical team improving the code hours before the big show. But we made it. It worked!

  • 10
    In Eemland 2019
    Team van Meewerken bij Eemland

    10 2019 - Meewerken bij Eemland joins the Together project

    New Friends Dennis & Monica run a workfocussed centre for autistics, with team of graphics & tech. Great people, wonderful vision, we met the whole ICT team and they are enthusiastic about building the friending, dating & joinme functions of the project with us.  Their project will be ‘IetsDoen.Nu?’ and based on Together principles. The idea came from Fieke, and she will be working with the Meewerkers team on the Together project!

    Fieke joins the Together Project

    Fieke joins the Together Project

  • 10
    Apple Kite

    10 2019 - Neurodivergent Pride Kite

    While…. its probably accidental, Apple released a new “Kite” icon, in the colors of ND Pride Kite icon, in the second year of celebrating Neurodivergen Pride (2019 was the year we actively started using the nickname Neurodivergennt Pride Day, for Neurodiversity Pride Day celebrations, by those preferring the alternative name). We say “probably accidental”, because, as much as we hope it was inspired by our design, our kite has a lighter color blue, has infinity symbols in the ribbon, and does not have a rope.


  • 09
    In Amsterdam 2019

    09 2019 - PRDWLK!

    Tjerk & Diantha taking a walk of pride, after meeting with organizations on Autisme (NVA) & Adhd/Dys (Impuls/Woortblind), where we agreed to organize next years Neurodiversity Pride Day together.

    In Amsterdam
  • 09
    In Amsterdam 2019

    09 2019 - Marketing for Good

    At SWAP Day, we brainstormed ideas to promote Pride Day at Unc Inc in Amsterdam, an initiative by Base & Spin media. We met Benjamin who has a brilliant mind, and any ideas on how to further our wish for a message that is understood by the millions in our nation!

  • 09
    in Rotterdam 2019
    Working at the Shatterdome in Rotterdam

    09 2019 - 2 Offices & 10 tech contributors

    Our ‘Shatterdome’ in Rotterdam (the name for the development area where we create our technology,) is scaled up, with locations at two floors. Because when you work hard,  you need more tables and square meters for notes!

    Yanick joins the team for a couple of weeks to support the work on Mini.ai.

    First day of Yannick

    First day of Yannick

  • 08
    In Arnhem 2019

    08 2019 - Showing what we’ve build

    One of our sponsors, the SIDN fund, invited Tjerk, Omotola & Szymon to show their works on the 2Tango.Work modules and the Mini.AI systems.  This picture is made right after the meetup, feeling pretty proud about how far we’ve come in this ambitious journey!

  • 08
    In Maarsseveen 2019

    08 2019 - Supported book published by author

    The ‘Junior Poepdokter’ is written by Nienke Gottenbos, a well-known and knowledgable professional in the areas of the intestinal flora of the human body.

    The author asked for some extra eyes and we supported her efforts by suggestions for the tone of voice and minor rewrites of chapters about neurodivergent kids and food.

    Neurodiversity Foundation helpt mee met boek Junior Poepdokter

    Neurodiversity Foundation helpt mee met boek Junior Poepdokter

  • 08
    In Rotterdam 2019

    08 2019 - Athenian Summer

    During the hot summer of 2019, the Athenians of 2Tango & Neurodiversity Foudation work very hard, appreciating the cool air-conditioned office of the Rotterdam Science Tower (in the back of the picture). Big steps are made for Mini.AI en the Signs project.

  • 07
    In Amsterdam 2019

    07 2019 - Board Meeting 2019

    Second boardmeeting of the year at the Eye with Lana,  Ana,  Omotola & Tjerk.  We have three boardmeetings per year, and one annual social meetup for the whole organization. Our conclusion of this meeting: Full Steam Ahead!

  • 06
    In Amstelveen 2019

    06 2019 - Team Pride

    Team working on Brainy, Mini & Signs.

    This picture was made with half the team, missing out some researchers, auxiliary teams, the board and our elder developers.

  • 06
    In Amstelveen 2019

    06 2019 - Wall of Inclusion

    Deputy Mayor Marijn van Ballegooijen was the very first official to introduce the Neurodiversity Pride day in 2019 to his local constituents with a beautiful message of inclusion, and the worth of allways being yourself. In 2020, on Pride Day, the organizations creating the pride day, will launch the “Wall of Inclusion”. Our preparation is in asking 16 deputees, like Marijn, to state a positive message of neurodiverse inclusion on behalf of their city, to the neurodivergents in their communities.  Sending out a message that their city is for all their inhabitants,  with all neurotypes. These messaged will be captured on the ‘Wall of Inclusion’, which will be projected on videoscreens in participating cities.


  • 06
    In Utrecht 2019

    06 2019 - Premiere Video series ‘Powerfully Different’

    The video series of the Neurodiversity Foundation made for Pride day, was premiered at the Utrecht Event, at the location of the national association for Autism in the Netherlands. It was the first public viewing of ‘Krachtig Anders’ for the members of the NVA presented by Kees, Tjerk & Diantha. The video series can be seen on this website and on the youtube channel of the foundation.


  • 06
    in Rotterdam 2019

    06 2019 - Rotterdam Pride Day Event: Codifying the first word of Signs

    The Neurodiversity Pride Day event in Rotterdam, had aTech meet-up at the Rotterdam Science Tower. For the very first time, ever, a word was taught to the Mini.AI by the participants that were present for the tech talk by Omotola Bolarin. The word was digitally coupled with a physical motion that identifies the word for all usecases. The very first word we taught Mini.AI was the word ‘Pride’. The graspable motion consisted of the subpartmotions of (I + positive state + share onto + everyone else)


  • 06
    In Amsterdam 2019

    06 2019 - Pride Event Amsterdam

    Workshop ‘Embrace your differentness’ on the Neurodiversity Pride Day, at the Amsterdam event. Hosted by the ADHD Cafe, and created and presented by Renee Snijder.



  • 06
    In Instagram 2019

    06 2019 - Influencers Campaign for Pride

    First ‘Swipe Left’ post of the foundation, ever. The post is part of the larger social influencers campaign, called ‘We Are All Nuts’, taking over the Instagram of the foundation during June 2019.


  • 06
    In Nederland 2019
    Diantha Voskuijl - Neurodiversity Foundation

    06 2019 - Value of Female Autistics – Video series

    To illuminate the world with the real existence of many positive traits that manifest in autistics females, the foundation decided to ‘kick the bucket of constant negative labelling’, and shine a light of what is bright and beautiful instead. Diantha will be interviewing (dutch speaking) female autistics and experts, on which neurodivergent trait makes them particularly good in their job. We hope to present them to the Netherlands via our partner the NVA, and present them at the Neurodiversity Pride Day, to a ‘worldwide’ audience. Using ‘worldwide’ loosely: Meaning you will be able to see them for free as well. Because, that is what we wish for. The cameraman for this project is Merlijn Goldsack, a young and talented autistic that created his own self-employed company for video services. Its coached and co-produced by Ancilla van de Leest.


  • 06
    In Rotterdam 2019

    06 2019 - The many paths towards cooperations

    As we grow with the aims we wish to move forward, more interested parties come to meet us, and lay down the groundwork for cooperation in the future. On this particular day, we presented the 2Tango.Work proejct for the GAK Instituut.


  • 05
    In Amstelveen 2019

    05 2019 - Amstelveen joins Neurodiversity Pride

    Prepping and preparing for the Neurodiversiteitsrede, with representatives of the government, the ggz and the production team working on the Amstelveen Event for Neurodiversity Pride day. The location is adorned with rainbows, making it our ultimate place for the main event of the Pride Day.


  • 05
    In Amsterdam 2019

    05 2019 - Preparing the We Are All Nuts campaign

    Preparation of the social influencer campagne,  sending packages with T-shirt,  with handwritten notes,  for others to show their own brainpride & proclaim love for diversity

  • 04
    In Philippines, Usa, Sri Lanka 2019

    04 2019 - Brainy Shipped Worldwide

    With more and more requests from schools coming in, we keep sending packages to all the corners in the world. Brainy, and the concept of Brainy,  seems to work in many different cultures.


  • 03
    In de Bilt 2019
    NVA and Neurodiversity foundation working together

    03 2019 - Keynote for Autism week 2019 (NL)

    Tjerk gave a keynote to the NVA (Dutch association for autism), to kick off the autisme week in the Netherlands. The 60 volunteers and employees got introduced to  the assistive technology that the ATHENS Initiative is building to support autistics to thrive in life.

    In de Bilt
  • 03
    In Amsterdam 2019
    Pride Day concept competition with HVA students

    03 2019 - Neurodiversity Pride Preparatory Planning

    The Neurodiversity Pride Day will be held on the 18th of June. Over 100 students from the HVA Creativiteit & Innovatie department, pondered over creative concepts to support the Neurodiversity Pride Day in the Netherlands. 10 Teams presented, each their own tool, program or message. The best group was Team Walnut, and we will move forward with their beautiful plan summarized by the campaign slogan ‘We are all Nuts’.

    Presenting the mission to the class of 2019


  • 03
    In Almere 2019
    My Amazing Brain Magazine for neurodiverse schools

    03 2019 - My Amazing Brain in classrooms – Brain Awareness Week

    To celebrate Brain Awareness Week, the Neurodiversity Foundation published the My Amazing Brain Magazine. It has lots of assignments and imagery facilitating acceptance and appreciation of differences in the classroom. The magazine is part of a program for schools that we want to grow in size & impact. On our first pilot, Lana visited three schools, ‘with Brainy’, the avatar that takes the kids on a interesting journey through their mind.  Schools interested in the program, the workshop or the magazine, can mail directly to lana@neurodiversiteit.nl.

    The magazine and Brainy was created by Eleonora. The text is created by Saskia Weniger. And Lana helps out on every front as program coordinator.


  • 03
    In Amsterdam 2019

    03 2019 - Starting the supercomponents

    Deepdive day with the first days of specialists Georgia, Dominic & Niels, at HVA Data Science. Georgia works on the visual designs of Brainy, Dominic & Niels are highly specialized programmers building some of the major supercomponents of Mini.AI.

  • 03
    In Amsterdam 2019

    03 2019 - Brainy App

    For the new innovations we are creating, we are also creating a Brainy App. It will be part of the second edition of the My Amazing Brain Magazine. It will be a fun game, to support neurodiverse understanding in the classroom. It will also allow our first testers to use some of our cool features in small games.


  • 03
    In Los Angelos 2019
    Talking with Cifli

    03 2019 - Considering international partnerships

    To reach the level of 10 million users, we must look in a concrete and pragmatic way in how to achieve it, and what seems likely is that we are going to need some friends to want us to succeed on a intrinsic level. We can build the very best tool ever build, but we are not specialized yet in product implementation and scaling. Especially looking at our third goal, which is beyond the local market, we felt it to be smart to consider partnerships with entrepreneurs who have more experience in the area than we do. We welcome their wisdom, and will use their support to help out our people with the Mini.AI project specifically, and the pheasable dream of integrating Mini.AI & Signs into screenware, implementable assisted communication for neurodivergents everywhere. This would enable any hospital, carehome or government building to get an ‘autism-friendly’  upgrade for screen-assisted communication.


  • 02
    In Rotterdam 2019

    02 2019 - First Birthday of the Foundation

    The first birthday of the foundation was celebrated in our Rotterdam Office with the developers team.


  • 02
    In Nederland 2019
    Neurodiversity Foundation Erik Post

    02 2019 - Three wonderful persons join the Initiative

    On our first first Birthday, three new athenians officially started. Ana Maldonado will be board member, Erik Post legal & finance and Diantha will be in control of our social media channels.

    Ana Maldonado Neurodiversity Foundation

  • 02
    In Amsterdam 2019
    New stylings for the Together project

    02 2019 - New style of 2Tango.Dating demo

    Wybe is coding the 2Tango.Dating app, with the Together functionality, partially included into the system. However a new design felt really really needed, for it to be used by many, rather than a few users. The new conceptual layout, co-designed by Kevin, will revolve around the 2Tango logo, that has a colorwheel-circle around it.

    2Tango.Dating logo in early stages, with the colorwheel. The wheel suggest visually the diverse types of choices of (inter)activity between 2 individuals. The play button suggest the excitement of interaction, and the choice to either pauze, stop or move forward with possible time spend together.

    2tango dating logo




  • 02
    In Eindhoven 2019
    Charlotte Albertini - Neurodiversity Foundation

    02 2019 - Speech therapists join the research

    From Eindhoven, three speech therapist who are ‘best at class’ are (self-)selected for the research efforts. Their research will centre around three crucial questions, that will support us in iterating the current version of the Signs Language to a more optimal form. The questions are:

    • What top 100 sentences are wanting to be said (without words or conversation) by autistics.
    • Upon which 80 language constructs (sentence snippets) do these sentencings depend?
    • Which movements can be suggested for the gestural language ingrained in Signs as a communication system?

    Each researcher will answer this query on one of three different areas: parents-autistic communication, best friend – autistic communication, and teacher/coach/counselor – autistic communication.

    Renkse Pertijs - Neurodiversity Foundation  Esti van Raak - neurodiversity foundation

  • 02
    In Rijswijk 2019

    02 2019 - Neurodiversity Foundation presents at Data Science for Good

    The new collaboration organization for organizations that work with data for the greater good of mankind, invite the Athenians to present their work in the first meetup of it’s existence.

    In Rijswijk
  • 02
    In Noord-Holland 2019
    My Amazing Brain Magazine, made by Lana, Eleonora and Saskia

    02 2019 - Creation of the My Amazing Brain Magazine

    To support the move towards a more neurodiverse and inclusive society, we created a magazine for youngsters about the brain. The magazine is created to support interest and curiosity into each others differences, leading to more neurodiverse friendships and understanding.

    The magazine (& its avatar Brainy), is designed by Eleonora Spagnuolo, content is from Saskia Weniger, and overall project management & outreach has been done by Lana Jelenjev.

    The first limited edition, will be given to schoolkids of three international schools in the Netherlands. Also the NVA volunteers will receive an addition. As well as some like-minded sympathizers, supporting the vision of the Initiative. The first edition is in English language, we hope to create Dutch language versions as well for dutch speaking schoolrooms.


  • 01
    In Utrecht 2019
    Presenting at SIDN with Szymon, Tjerk and Omotola

    01 2019 - Grant for the Messenger prototype

    Since the research effort is going very well, the SIDN Fonds decided to give the 2Tango organization a grant to build the prototype for Signs Messenger. Its a happy day for us and our teams. As a result: Szymon joins the effort as productmanager for 2Tango.Work.

    pitch and closing

  • 12
    In Maarssen 2018
    Neurodiversity Foundation annual supper

    12 2018 - Neurodiversity Foundation annual supper

    On the annual supper,  members of the Neurodiversity Foundation come to eat and enjoy each others company, not working for a couple of hours, together .

  • 11
    In Amsterdam 2018
    Kevin Ho joins the research effort for 2Tango.Work.

    11 2018 - Data Scientists join the research

    To grow the research efforts, the ATHENS Initiative pitches their mission for upcoming Data scientists, as the only non profit on stage. Two of the smartest students join the research efforts.

    Kevin will research the ‘strategies’ element of the Mini.AI infrastructure, specifically guiding the ’employer- autistic employee communication’.

    Natalie will research the voice of ‘Little Sister Mini’ and couple interventions for autistics to ‘state&state changes’.

    tjerk pitch at uva

    Researcher for the 'Voice of the Little Sister'


  • 11
    In Amsterdam & Den Haag 2018
    Neurodiversity Foundation Qualogy

    11 2018 - Happiness detection system

    The 2 winnings teams of the Qchallenge collect their prices, and share the tech we can build upon. On of the new features to support the wish to uncover the mysteries of ‘state & state change’ is put forth by the team of Charris, a concept called; Happiness detection by unlabelled data. We won’t tell you exactly how this works, but if you are interested in contributing, or researching topics like this: if you are clever or capable, let us know. We always have space in our research teams.

    Mini.AI Technology: Happiness detection by unlabelled data

  • 11
    In Rotterdam 2018
    Szymons Maka elevated to core member

    11 2018 - Product Manager joins the Initative

    Growing in ambition and enthusiasm, need a product manager to keep track of our main projects. After 6 months of ‘interning/advising’, and testing the waters in presenting the cause, the founders choose Szymon Maka to become the third pillar of 2Tango organization, focussing specifically on the 2Tango.Work project. His first event is the ‘Nieuwe Energie’ event, showcasing all the Citylab projects of Rotterdam.

    Productmanagers very first presentation

    Productmanagers very first presentation

    Szymon at work

    Szymon at work

    Szymon at work

    Presenting 2Tango.Work in Rotterdam

    Presenting 2Tango.Work in Rotterdam


  • 11
    In Amsterdam 2018
    vr experience afsluiting

    11 2018 - VR Experience for Sensory Overload

    The Hogeschool van Amsterdam joins the initiative, and in the creativity department organizes that their students forge in teams, a 360 degrees VR experience to support understanding of employers of the sensory issues that trouble autistics in work-areas.

    The research done by the students show the opportunity at hand for this option. The foundation will seek for ways to incorporate this concept into the 2Tango.Work technologies we build. The judges of the competition are Martin, Tjerk, Merlijn and Diantha.

    vr experience startdag

  • 10
    In Amsterdam 2018
    opening stock exchange Neurodiversity Foundation and 2Tango Lana and Tjerk

    10 2018 - Opening the stock exchange

    Neurodiversity Foundation & Ece & Tulpp opened the stock exchange.

    neurodiversity foundation opent de aex index

    Neurodiversity Foundation & Ece & Tulpp open aex index

    Neurodiversity Foundation open stock exchane with lana jelenjev and tjerk feitsma

    Neurodiversity Foundation opens stock exchange – with lana and tjerk

  • 10
    In Amsterdam 2018
    Q Challenge Neurodiversity Foundation Qualogy last day hacking

    10 2018 - Hackathon Q Challenge

    To celebrate the anniversary of Qualogy, they organize a Hackathon called Q Challenge, and selects Neurodiversity Foundation to put forth a topic to support our mission. In 7 teams, groups of different students, PHDs and other bright minds, forge possible solutions for the query at hand which is centred around using user-data to gauge emotional state, and state change. Solving this issue, will support autistics in reducing the problems caused by Alexithymia (which is the reduced ability to self-report emotional state of state changes), of which about 40% of autistics experience in daily life.  We will continue with the research of the 2 most successful groups in the years to come, aiming to make it a central feature of the Signs, Work & Mini.AI projects.

    Neurodiversity Hackathon "Q Challenge" organized by Qualogy for the foundation

    Neurodiversity Hackathon “Q Challenge” organized by Qualogy for the foundation

    Neurodiversity Hackathon "Q Challenge" organized by Qualogy for the foundation

    Neurodiversity Hackathon “Q Challenge” organized by Qualogy for the foundation

    Launch Q Challenge promotional video

    Launch Q Challenge promotional video at Qualogy

    Launch Q Challenge promotional video at Qualogy

    Launch Q Challenge promotional video at Qualogy

    Team during the hackathon of the Qchallenge.

    Team during the hackathon of the Qchallenge together with Qualogy

    hackathon foto neurodiversity Foundation qualogy

    hackathon foto Neurodiversity Foundation with Qualogy

    Neurodiversity Hackathon "Q Challenge" organized by Qualogy for the foundation

    Neurodiversity Hackathon “Q Challenge” organized by Qualogy for the foundation

  • 10
    In Amsterdam 2018
    Meeting Obama. From afar.

    10 2018 - Meeting Sophia

    Hopeful to be leading researchers in our field one day in the future, the founders of the ATHENS Initiative also have inspiration they draw from bright academic minds. Particularly the works of Ben Goertzel & Dr Hanson are a direct catalyst for our drive, and are inspirational rolemodels in character and expertise. To see their best work, called Sophia.AI, Omotola & Tjerk were invited to be present at the presentation of Obama, where Dr Hansons Robot was present too. The technical projects in Mini.ai we create adhere to the ‘Loving AI’ framework put forth by Ben Goertzel & his teams.

    Omotola and Tjerk seeing Sophia.AI and Obama in Amsterdam

    Omotola and Tjerk seeing Sophia.AI and Obama in Amsterdam

  • 09
    In Eindhoven 2018
    signs game team Neurodiversity Foundation

    09 2018 - Signs gamification team

    Research team for Signs learning & gamification opportunities. An excellent research effort, with demo’s, explorations and a high level of overall cleverness.

  • 08
    In Rotterdam 2018
    researchers Distribution team

    08 2018 - Commercial managers join the research

    To decide where we will ship our product to, is a more challenging question when thoroughly investigated: will we ship our solutions via an open market for individual users, via the municipalities, via large corporations or via care organizations. To figure out our options, one research team from the Instituut voor Commercieel Management mulled over all the options, and presented their advice on how to move forward.

    Research team distribution and channels

  • 07
    In Rotterdam 2018
    citylab 2tango rotterdam Neurodiversity Foundation

    07 2018 - 2Tango receives grant from Citylab for 2Tango.Work

    2Tango was given a significant grant to research & build the 2Tango.Work project for digitally assisted work-related communication, via the Citylab project of the municipality of Rotterdam, the homebase of our main office at the Science Tower.

    Winning the Citylab pitch for funding for 2Tango.Work

  • 07
    In Rotterdam 2018
    Neurodiversity Foundation developer team op devday 1

    07 2018 - DevDay

    Devdays, short for Developer Day, are held monthly in either 2Tango or Neurodiversity Foundation. Its a day where all developers and contributors to the technical project come together, to talk code en structure data. It started out small, and grows in size when the need for it reveals herself.

    Mini.AI technology by Neurodiversity Foundation

    Mini.AI technology by Neurodiversity Foundation presentation on DevDay

    neurodiversiteit stichting - working together

    neurodiversiteit stichting – working together

  • 07
    Online & Local 2018
    KPN Start up Event, with ATHENS.

    07 2018 - Making friends everywhere

    Because our ambitions of the ATHENS Initiative are bold, and our resolve unwavering, the founders ‘make friends’ with large companies, organizations, schools, and fellow neurodivergents. Organizations we visit, we usually call our friends. We aim to visit all organizations in the Netherlands that have 200+ workers in their employment (within the context of the likelyhood that a part of these workers are neurodivergents). Some of these friendship leads to receiving unexpected support, in advice, a introduction, invitation and so on. We are very grateful for what is given to us as a gift, without a need for reciprocation. And we will continue to accept that, until we are done with our big goals.

    And this works. For all parties involved. Because the problem we aim to solve, is present in every major organization, and fixing it, means enabling potentially succesfull people to thrive, also in their jobs. And we want to help autistics and neurodivergents keep their job, and feel safe in their work-related communication: there is a clear logic as to why organizations enjoy working with us and vice versa. But also, let this be said and stated clearly: there are simply a very large sum of very good and kind people, who use their smarts or compassion to understand why we are doing what we do, and chose to support us in ways we could not have imagined.

    ATHENS bij KPN

    ATHENS bij KPN & WSF

    KPN Start up Event, with ATHENS.

    KPN Start up Event, with ATHENS.

  • 06
    In Nederland 2018
    Neurodiversity Pride Day

    06 2018 - Neurodiversity Pride Day

    On the 18th of June 2018, the Neurodiversity Pride Day was celebrated. The Neurodiversity foundation hosted the events, to support the neurodiversity movement & its sympathizers in the Netherlands.

    It was also the very first day we got our Tshirts, designed by Eleonora Spanuolo. It shows our logo; the brain with the heart in mind.


    neurodiversity pride day banner official

    official neurodiversity pride day banner

    Neurodiversity Pride Day

    neurodiversiteit stichting - neurodiverse families

    neurodiversiteit stichting - neurodiverse families

  • 05
    In Amsterdam 2018
    working hard at Neurodiversity Foundation

    05 2018 - Creation of visual works

    We needed a bright mind to create our core visual works. While many artists & student groups can support us with their ideas,  it was Eleonora Spaguolo who generates things of beauty for the foundation. Her most important work is the Brain with the Heart in Mind (the logo), but also Brainy (and Superbrainy!), the faded rainbow, the clothing, the support cards, the My Amazing Brain magazine and the Neurodiversity Pride day materials are all visually composed and imagineered in her mind, and created with love, and lots of coffee.

    Neurodiversity Pride Day Banner 2019 Neurodiversity Foundation

    Neurodiversity Pride Day Banner 2019 Neurodiversity Foundation

    support cards neurodiversity

    Support cards for Neurodiversity


  • 05
    In Den Haag 2018
    neurodiversity pride day narwhals neurodivergent original by ed wiley library

    05 2018 - Funding the Foundation

    Winning the Big Pitch and getting the funds to start up and finance parts of our research efforts.

    Winning the Pitch and getting funds to start up

    Winning the Pitch and getting funds to start up

    Just before the Pitch and getting funds to start up

    Just before the Pitch and getting funds to start up

  • 04
    In Amsterdam 2018
    board meeting

    04 2018 - Board Meetings

    The foundation has three board meetings each year. On these days, Tjerk & Omotola report about everything relevant to the ATHENS Initiative, and the foundation specifically. We have wonderful board members, we are very lucky to be working with them.

    neurodiversiteit stichting neurodiversity pride day core team 2018


  • 03
    In Buiten-Veldert 2018
    wearing the first version of the Neurodiversity Foundation t-shirt

    03 2018 - Developer builds first Together prototypes

    One of our first developers Wybe, has allways been dedicated solely to the 2Tango Together project. He aims to build a digital tool to allow activity matching of two individuals via customizable menu’s, and will continue the work to also support family-based activity matching. Starting at 2Tango organization for over 8 months, in December 2018, the foundation was grateful to give him a developer position in our team, focussing specifically on activity-matching. The prototypes will be tested on: http://2Tango.dating

    neurodiversiteit stichting - main developers 2018 with Erik Kees Wybe Tjerk and Omotola

    stichting neurodiversiteit – main developers 2018 with Erik Kees Wybe Tjerk and Omotola

  • 02
    In Amsterdam 2018

    02 2018 - Foundation officially created

    On the 15th of February 2018 the Neurodiversity Foundation was officially founded, with Lana Jelenjev as chairperson & Eleonora Spagnuolo as boardmember, and Tjerk as director.

  • 02
    In Den Haag 2018
    Neurodiversity Foundation met Merlijn en Saskia Buma - autisme voorstellen 2e kamer

    02 2018 - Putting Neurodiversity on the political agenda

    ATHENS Initiative joins Merlijn Goldsack (Merlin Blue) and Saskia Buma (prikkelprofiel.nl) in a meeting with Lisa Westerveld, a politician in the Tweede Kamerlid of the Netherlands. She accepts our handed proposals for improving the ability to thrive for autistics, and states her wish to be a good friend to the mission. Some of our offers include Signs & Mini.AI, and a basic income for long term unemployed autistics. We accept that it may take years for this situation to be accepted by a majority.

    In the years to follow, Lisa actually keeps her word, and speaks up to the parliament, multiple times, for issues concerning autistics, dyslectics and marginalized kids in general. Her voice is one of the few inspiring ones in politics, as she is trying to pave the way for a more inclusive society. Her efforts and proposals are most often not accepted by the majority, but being represented at all, is a seachange for our minority, and for all of us with neurological differences.

  • 02
    In Utrecht 2018
    Tjerk Feitsma 2Tango Signs 2Tango Neurodiversity Foundation

    02 2018 - Presenting at Inspirator

    At Inspirator, the newest upcoming healthcare initiative represent themselves, and 2Tango gets a slot as on of the three keynote speakers. It leads to a fire-fuelled speech, encouraging new healthcare startups to be bold, brave and to convert their pain into love, as they will run into it, in their steps towards growth and innovation. Innovation that other unknown to them will need them to continue.

    As Tjerk walks to the stage, he throws his microphone in a corner, and uses the full force of his voice to pervey the message of inclusion and courage in entrepreneurialism. ‘I wasn’t aware that I was going to do that’said Tjerk afterwards, ‘but when I talk about my mission, fear and tact dissapear, and my whole body takes over‘.


  • 11
    In Rotterdam 2017
    Third and absolutely massive office.

    11 2017 - Moving to the Third Office of the ATHENS Initiative

    Setting up the organizations 2Tango & Neurodiversity Foundation, as a startup needs some physical space to work, but being the first group of the Honours Program of Ece, we moved to an office that could house 30 developers. Months later, we are moved to locations more suitable to our actual needs, but the feeling of ‘now, we are officially a start up’ dawned on us first, in our first day at this office at the Science Tower in Rotterdam.

    In this ‘third office’ the ideas of Abri, as visioneered by Omotola, are meshed with the concepts of Signs, and of the autistic support artificial intelligence we would start calling ‘Mini.AI’ in the years to come.

  • 11
    In Rotterdam 2017
    Office number 1 in Rotterdam Science Tower.

    11 2017 - CTO starts Mini.ai research

    A new research start to cover the issue of ‘dynamic understanding in real time’, starting with discussions on the concepts of what we would start to call: ‘The Constrained Infinite’ , resulting with the application of TM technology and the invention of our own Mini.AI. The technological projects aims to build the world first autistic life support system with Mini & Signs integrated. The ambitious project of the ATHENS Initiative will be run by our CTO Omotola Bolarin, who has a great knowledge on language and machine learning, and controls which research efforts and prototypes will be open sourced, and which elements are to be researched further before releasing it.

  • 11
    In Rotterdam 2017
    2Tango team 2017 met Wybe, Kees en Wesley

    11 2017 - Back to school

    After winning the Sustainable Healthcare Challenge, the team of early developers continue to learn new skills needed for the mission, in workshops, sessions and brainstorms. A new focus is Human Centred Design Thinking.

    Tjerk graduates from the Amsterdam Centre of Entrepreneurship and the Erasmus Centre of Entrepreneurship.

    2tango athens initiative

  • 10
    In Nijmegen 2017

    10 2017 - Showcasing solutions

    Showcasing our works to autistics results in them supporting our mission, ideas and vision. And understanding how they are rarely listened to, even when their opinion is asked, made a change in us. In 2017 the initiative decided to align themselves with the ASAN network, and its slogan ‘nothing about us without us’ and the call for an inclusive neurodiversity in society.

    One of the problems we were struck by, in meeting many of our autistic brothers and sisters, was the realisation that our early stage prototypes of the autisme-friendly language Signs and how it could be used, were biased to solve  communication problems specifically for  individuals that used to be categorized as Asperger & PDDnos. It was this realization; that we were not helping all autistics, that wouldn’t leave us, and that we should not allow ourselves to take that easy road. It  resulted to a pivot, to focus more and more on neurodiverse translation, and integrate new communication options usefull for individuals unable to use screens or complex technology. New ways to communicate were carried in the Swipes, Shakes & Morsecode functionalities. In this way we can translate between more types, taking a more inclusive stance in our approach.

    Also, the preparations for the foundation, took a much more inclusive approach to serving all neurodivergents to thrive, with additional campaigns and schoolproject. The main technological project would remain focussed on solving the issue for autistics first, because we were the first to have a real shot at actually solving it.

  • 10
    In Rotterdam 2017
    Office Neurodiversity Foundation

    10 2017 - Second office

    Our second office was small, and shared with Burg Foods, a startup creating cricket-based burgers. It seems humble and simple, but it was all we needed to start building our innovation and our growing organization.

    Second Office

    Second Office we ever had

  • 10
    In Apeldoorn 2017

    10 2017 - Presentation at Health & Care day 2017

    “Dit is je uitnodiging….”

    Tjerk presents 2Tango Signs for 400 healthcare professionals and invites them to join in solving the problem.


    Tjerk Feitsma - Neurodiversity Foundation  After the presentation at Health & Care with SHC Board & founder

  • 09
    In Den Haag 2017
    Social Challenge against loneliness

    09 2017 - Winning the Social Challenge

    A new competition: Social Challenge against Loneliness, spearheaded by the KPN, has 2 winners, of which one is 2Tango. It is the first time the public hears about the grand plan of the ATHENS Initiative. The original concept of the logo was a tree, made by individuals, in diverse color coding.

    The price was a chance to pitch for the funding we needed, and a education to school the founder Tjerk, to become a better business person. The education in entrepreneurialism is at the Erasmus Centre of Entrepreneurship in Rotterdam.

  • 05
    Online 2017
    logo asan - Neurodiversity Foundation supports asan

    05 2017 - Joining global networks

    We can be alone, or we can find the smartest or kindest friends out there, and we are doing that continually. Every month we are adding new friends to our: “Awesome autism organizations” list. Specifically we feel connected to ASAN (autistic self advocacy network), and think in the same ways. We also cooperate with Ed Wiley Autism centre; We want to bring the neurodivergent narwhal to the Netherlands, and Europe at large. The list is long, and welcoming more ‘friends’, that support the logic of ‘nothing about us without us’.

    Do what makes you flappy

    Do what makes you flappy – Neurodivergent Narwhals, originated in the Ed Wiley Autism Centre.

  • 05
    In Rotterdam 2017

    05 2017 - 2Tango wins Sustainable Healthcare Challenge 2017

    In a competition with over 100 applicants, 2Tango takes the largest price of all, and wins the nation wide Challenge. It is indeed, our proudest moment up to that date. Our first developer Kees is our hero, as he build the first prototypes of the selfmanagement app.  And the pricemoney of 3500 euro, as humble as it may seem, goes a very very long way into funding our daily costs. It also allows for the money needed, to forge a research centre, that will do all the research requiered to fulfill our mission. This research centre, will later be called the Neurodiversity Foundation, or ‘Stichting Neurodiversiteit’ in the local language.

    profiel foto Neurodiversity Foundation


  • 04
    In Nederland 2017
    2tango together workshop eigentijdse jongeren

    04 2017 - Testing connection-based events

    The 2Tango organization is build upon 7 insights, that are constantly being tested in events focussed on connecting two individuals to upgrade their time together. Each 2Tango event is a test for a new iteration of ‘the perfect system’, trying out new applications, activities, strategies and user-experiences. All insights need to be tested, in order to be validated for that system, and checked for interpretation by different types of participants. It results in about a thousand of participants spending time with each other, in the way they both choose to do so, within the context that feels fitting for the pair. Most of the insights are focussed on reducing awkwardness and friction in connecting, needs-matching and mutual consent. More information on these connections events and its prototypes, go to 2Tango.org for more information.

    Its together research program focusses on different types of connection made between strangers, fellows, friends, romantic dates. The net for which types of human interactions we can facilitate grows wider with every test. Lessons learned are integrated into the blue-prints of the digital tools for the 2Tango.Together project that we build, in order to provide the public access to these systems.

    2Tango.Walkie talkie prototype event

    2Tango.Walkie talkie prototype event

    2Tango.Walkie talkie prototype event

    2tango together workshop eigentijdse jongeren

    2Tango.Together workshop

    flirtdek voor summerdating 2tango

    flirtdek voor summerdating 2Tango

    silent date zone pictures with klazien

    Silent date zone pictures with Klazien

    2tango vipzone materials

    2Tango vipzone

    Friendzone & Datingnight 2Tango with Klazien Schaap

    Friendzone & Datingnight 2Tango with Klazien

    2Tango Summerdating banner

    2Tango Summerdating banner

    2Tango duisterdating banner

    2Tango duisterdating banner

  • 04
    In Amsterdam 2017
    Core Principle of the Neurodiversity Foundations logic and inspiration

    04 2017 - Choosing the symbol for Signs

    The logo of our communication infrastructure Signs is inspired by an image*, that illustrates communication struggles in an elegant way.

    2tango signs logo

    Core Principle of the Neurodiversity Foundations logic and inspiration



  • 04
    In Amsterdam 2017
    divergents team - hack de overheid

    04 2017 - Winning in the Hack the Government hackathon

    The neurodiverse team of Fons, Tjerk, Aleksandr and Dennis decide to call themselves ‘Divergents’, and join a governmental hackathon, to figure out why kids are failing at school. We hacked our way with data into one of the core issues in education: the limited ability of teachers to be aware of the neurological variance in their classrooms, as a indication as to why so many autistics aren’t doing well in this system. We found in the data sets proof that about 5000 neurodivergent (autistic) kids are ‘overlooked’ by teachers, and therefore often mislabelled as ‘bad kids’.

    The team did not ‘win’in term of the first or second price, but we got the honorary mention, awarded with 500 euros and flowers.

    Ideas are pitched to the municipality to reduce the problems at hand, but these ideas die slowly in the demotivating bureaucratic systems of the government.

    This is the exact moment the aims and intents of the political arm of the ATHENS Initiative was formed.


    divergents team - hack de overheid

    Divergents team – hack de overheid

    Neurodiversity Foundation hack de overheid divergents team

    Neurodiversity Foundation – divergents team – hack de overheid

    Neurodiversity Foundation tjerk feitsma hack de overheid

    Neurodiversity Foundation tjerk bij pitch

    Neurodiversity Foundation divergents team

    Neurodiversity Foundation divergents team

  • 03
    In Apeldoorn 2017
    Zelfmanagement app vroeg prototype

    03 2017 - Early stage prototype selfmanagement app

    The first prototypes of the ‘tapping’ functionality of the Signs language, are forged by developer Kees. Made in java, it is focussed on self-reporting and autism-friendly styled sentence formation. The prototype works, and is fairly effective, but is not ‘dynamic’  in its tracking. To be used by millions this needs to be improved, and part of it is because it doesn’t learn quickly enough from what the individual user needs, before the need for communication arises in a situation. The teams grows in size to tackle this problem.

    Later in the research effort, we investigate different types of individuals with ASS, TOS, and neurological variances that lead to limited speech. We pivot in our small group of Signs-users to a wider net, and completely overhaul our system, as to include other neurodivergent groups that could really use the technology we are building. The main focus remains autisme-friendly communication, but over time we understand that we can help more persons, with issues in communication that seem similar to issues autistics face daily.

  • 11
    In Apeldoorn 2016
    2Tango starting to work together with Authentict with Maryse, Kees, Tjerk and Peter

    11 2016 - First cooperation with fellow autistics

    2Tango meets with Danny Beukers to pitch the 2Tango.Signs selfmanagement-app for autistic communication. He had set up Authentict,  a organization for autistics to be able to work in harmony. One of the programmers, Kees Heil, is very curious about the project, and wishes to code it. He was supported by Peter and Maryse, but Kees was doing all the work.

    This was a very important moment for 2Tango, because in Kees we had the support that we needed to move forward with the 2Tango Signs project. The cooperation with Kees was so nice, that he came to be a stable force in our organization, and drafted many important functions for Signs. Authentict bankrupted months after, having lots of goodwill, and lots of people clapping at this inspiring initiative, all wanting this organization to be successful, but still holding out on lucrative assignments that could allow for the organization to pay for its bills. Goodwill, Danny said, will not pay for the bills, you have to do better.

    The bankrupcy of his first partner and rolemodel, left a stark impression on Tjerk; to make in the preparations of the ATHENS Initiative absolutely sure to discover a way for the product to be financially viable in the market, and safe while producing, for we would be building the tech, for the years to come.


  • 04
    In Utrecht 2016
    2tango connectzone appril preshow

    04 2016 - 2Tango at Jaarbeurs Utrecht

    To connect female & male developers more optimally, 2Tango organizes ‘Offline – 2Tango connectzone’ in the main stage of the Utrecht Jaarbeurs, on request of a technology conference. The program consists of lots of new activities, and the new prototype for the ‘Meta Clock’,  utilizing the main stages biggest screen, for 40 individual countdown-counters, one for each date.

    Team of the day is Tjerk, Jori, Egbert and Klazien.

    2tango materials connectzone

    2Tango with Egbert

    2Tango timing system for dates 2017

    2tango connectzone

  • 09
    In Hierden 2015
    friendzone datingnight 2Tango Tjerk and Elma

    09 2015 - Testing activity menus

    One of the very first ‘zone’ events in our history; a  “dating & friendzone” activity night, inspired by the concepts and guidelines of the 2Tango together project. Its the live version aiming to create the perfect system to facilitate two individuals spending time together. Its also a testing ground for new concepts and iterations.

    Elma & Tjerk facilitated at the first ‘2tango balie’, resulting in 40 dates of 2 persons in 2 hours, with a massive 12 options on the menu.

  • 01
    In Nederland 2015

    01 2015 - Rise of the ATHENS Initiative

    Core statement of the Assistive Tech Hub Enhancing a Neurodiverse Society (ATHENS Initiative): The problem is not solved by doing nothing. *

    The plan we enact has three phases:

    • 1. Build something that works to solve* the problem of neurodiverse translation.
    • 2. Distribute the system to facilitate conversations of 10.000 dutch autistics, in Dutch language & English translated via Signs.
    • 3. Scale up to a global service to support access to the tools for 10 million neurodivergents, in most languages and cross languages**

    * Solving means: campaigning for awareness is nice, but not enough to actually solve the problem. Acceptance alone, is not enough. Appreciation alone, is not enough. We need to actually forge a product that reduces the communication issues for autistics, and our best shot at this, is a technical solution, that can be scaled and used by autistics for all nations. To be effective, the research of phase 1, remains in  english and dutch.

    ** We are a idealistic initiative, by neurodivergents, for neurodivergents, supporting neurodiverse teams; therefore we aim to make it free for all autistics unable to contribute financially; because solving the problem, does not mean only solving it for ‘rich folks’. The goals of the ATHENS Initiative are non-financial, and focussed on the impact goals as stated.


    Founding partners of the ATHENS Initiative

    For the initiative to be effective, we need a long-term approach with a ‘research-centre’ and a ‘product-building-centre’.


    • Neurodiversity Foundation is founded to do all the research, cooperate with partners, and support the societal change to acceptance, appreciation and inclusion.
    • 2Tango, as a social impact company, will dedicate itself* to creating the products that solve the problem in neurodiverse translation, and support the builds of tools that can help autistics thrive in live.


    ATHENS Initiative is offically starting in 2018, but it has been a project in the making since the very start of all we do.

    *  85% of 2Tango’s resources and worktime is used for autism-centered support tools like Signs, Work & Mini.ai. The remaining 15% is used for the Together project, including testing of concepts via events.

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